Limitations | Monomad

in Black And Whitelast month


Last week, I went to the park with my daughter. We sat on a bench near the sea wall. My daughter saw the balloon vendor. She was excited and approached the balloon vendor immediately. I saw a big smile on my daughter’s face. She wanted me to purchase the balloon. My daughter hugged and kissed me. She said, 'Papa, I love you.' I told my daughter, 'You already have many balloons at home”. I wanted to spoil my daughter, but I also want her to realize that in this material world, we have some limitations. We cannot acquire all the things in this world.

rava2.jpgphotography by @gohenry

I know that it’s difficult for my daughter to understand now, but I need to teach her as early as possible. Being a father is not easy. The disappointment on my daughter’s face feels like squeezing my heart. I need to be firm to avoid spoiling my daughter with material things in this world.

rava1.jpgphotography by gohenry

After that, I tried to play hide and seek with her. She was running freely, like she had all the freedom in the world. Back home, we have only a small space, so she can’t run as freely as she does in the park. It was an amazing Saturday. It was full of fun and realizations. I was able to bond with my daughter in a different way. I was able to create a moment with her without buying any material things. It is not necessary to buy things to make our sons or daughters happy.