Sacrifice | Monomad

in Black And White7 months ago (edited)
Today is an amazing day. I was able to meet people from different walks of life. But what caught my attention was an old woman who brought her grandson. I started a conversation with the old woman. We talked about life, and she confessed her disappointment with her daughter, who is a young single mom. It is really sad that teenage pregnancy and young single moms are common in my area. The problem now is that the parents of these young moms are shouldering the responsibility.


I can't help but ask myself: Why doesn't the younger generation nowadays think about the future or the future consequences of their actions? Life is difficult even with a stable job. Now I can only imagine that life is really hard for them. I wanted to create a deeper conversation with the old woman, but my tears started to fall. I couldn't help myself but to distance myself from the woman because I was so emotional.


I hope one day her daughter will realize all the sacrifices her mom made, even shouldering the problems she created.



All the images was captured using old canon 80d using 50mm 1.8 lens. I able to utilize and used the picture style on cam editing.

Thank you!!!!


I am very sad to read your article, how not if you tell about a mother who ignores her child, basically a child of this age is spoiled with her mother, but this is very far from the life of this little child, I hope this child remains strong and happy with his grandmother.

@furkanmamplam thank you for reading my short article, The innocent child deserve a happy life that first world countries enjoy. In the philippines situation like in the picture captured were rampant. The unlimited cycle of poverty.

How right you are when you say that young people nowadays do not think about the consequences of their actions and it is a pity, because it is not only something that affects them but also their parents. These are photographs that really transmit a lot, excellent work.

@naitreart mainstream social media play a big role on this. Lots of irresponsible content creators, promoting semi adult content and nonsense content. Creating a YOLO mindset in younger generatiion.

 7 months ago  

Hello @gohenry. Please do not forget to include the #monomad tag in this post (together with the other tags), otherwise your entry won't be considered valid. 🙂

hi thank you for the reminder @monochromes I updated my article #monomad tag now included.

 7 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.