#Monomad Scenes from a Bike - Edition 18 -Underneath the Freeway

in Black And White2 years ago

Welcome to The 18th edition of the series - Scenes from a bike

This Edition facts:

Location: Underneath the Citylink Freeway in North Melbourne, this is a interesting spot, above is up to 8 lanes of traffic, on either side of the bike path are a train line and the Moonee Ponds creek, which in parts looks like a creek and in part a drain.

Date & Weather: Thursday 29th of December - Summer in Melbourne is all over the place, a couple of days ago it was 38 degrees, today it's 19, cloudy and the light is flat. There are certain places I like to go when the light is flat, leaning hard in the greyness sees me chasing concrete and ugliness.

Equipment: My Fujifilm X-T5, mated with the rarely spoken about 16mm Prime lens from Fujifilm (24mm full frame equivalent) And the film simulation set to Acros YE in camera which is a black a white film simulation, so I see it in black and white.

The Concept & Finances: The concept is simple, I've bought an electric bike, on this bike I explore my hometown, Melbourne Australia and take photos, Priority 1 - Finding new places in Melbourne, Priority 2 - taking better photos, Bonus - Earn back the cost of the bike by creating content and getting paid for it on HIVE. The bike cost $1,100 USD. So far I've earned $106.52 from the previous 17 posts meaning I've paid for just under 10% of the bike and I have $993 to go. This is going to take some time, but this is all bonus money, the joy is in the taking of photos.

Other stuff: I really enjoyed shooting today, You know when you have that feeling from an early shot that it's working the way you want it to, the thought you had in your head is going to work.

Let's see what I found

One (1 of 1).jpg

f6.4, 500ISO, 1/500, 24mm
As mentioned, a freeway above a creek besides

two (1 of 1).jpg

f2.8, 500ISO, 1/250, 24mm
There is something about this that reminds me of those giant underground reservoirs. but really it's just life under a road.

three (1 of 1).jpg

f2.8, 500ISO, 1/1250, 24mm
It didn't smell great under here. The overexposure of the light outside is deliberate by the way, what is out there is both unimportant and inspiring.

four (1 of 1).jpg

f6.4, 500ISO, 1/500, 24mm
The feeling as you take the off ramp that leads to your house after being away for weeks on end.

six (1 of 1).jpg

f10, 500ISO, 1/500, 24mm
Famous to Melbourians

five (1 of 1).jpg

f5, 500ISO, 1/500, 24mm
Even the famous have a seedy underbelly.

seven (1 of 1).jpg

f7.1, 500ISO, 1/500, 24mm
Driving towards the light

eight (1 of 1).jpg

f4.5, 800ISO, 1/250, 24mm
If I was a member of a really poor high school band that was destined to go nowhere this is where I would take the band photos, I would make the bass player out of focus - unless she was female, because that's cool, but of course she wouldn't be because if I knew any girls I wouldn't need to be in a band, so imagine four clueless boys with more hair than talent.