Visit to the history museum part 2/Visita al museo de historia parte 2[ENG/ESP]

in Black And Whitelast month

Buenas tardes amigos y amigas de esta bella comunidad black and white. Les continuo con las postales del museo de historia de mi ciudad Ciego de Ávila, una visita fabulosa, que duró acerca de una hora. Estuve frente a frente con piezas de héroes de mi patria y objetos que se usaban para esclavizar a los esclavos, lo cual muchos de mis héroes lucharon contra esta esclavitud hasta abolirla o eliminarla totalmente.Espero que disfruten las fotos como yo lo hago.

Good afternoon friends of this beautiful black and white community. I continue with the postcards of the history museum of my city Ciego de Avila, a fabulous visit, which lasted about an hour. I was face to face with pieces of heroes of my homeland and objects that were used to enslave the slaves, which many of my heroes fought against this slavery until it was abolished or totally eliminated, I hope you enjoy the pictures as I do.

My mother tongue is Spanish, I use it to translate into English with DeepL


Gracias por tu voto, mil gracias