Reservoir Edge and Its Activities

in Black And White2 months ago

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The remaining land in the middle of the reservoir is covered with mangrove trees and at first glance looks like a river channel, which is where I took the following pictures. Exploiting the existence of an anchored canoe as a subject for a photograph. Indeed! Residents who rely on their luck on the vast reservoir where they typically raise fish using a floating technique use this canoe as a mode of transportation.

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This view will always be presented every afternoon here. Because at that time, the fishermen prepare to go home with their families while carrying a small dream that the harvest time will arrive, so therefore, be patient waiting for the time.

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This pictures taken with Canon EOS 6D camera + 75-300mm lens, and I submitted it for the daily #monomad challenge hosted by @monochromes

By @ichsannanda (nandaalbintang).


Very beautiful atmosphere. In a reservoir that is familiar to the crew of Lhokseumawe city 🙂👍

Yes, you are right! Not foreign even though sometimes we have to feel like a foreigner to see the other side here while eating mie caluk 😁

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for this award, always flattered!