Monomad | Cat in the Park | Black And White

in Black And White2 months ago

This is my entry for the daily #monomad challenge hosted and curated by @monochromes.

Hello friends, wherever you are, how are you today? I hope you are always in good health and can always do your daily activities as usual and greetings to all of us who have been in this extraordinary community. On this occasion, I am here to contribute to this extraordinary monomad contest. Of course, I am very enthusiastic about the contest that is held every day in this community and today of course I present some cat photography that I have photographed in the park.

This cat is one of my pet cats at home and he is now about 8 months old and of course this cat is very spoiled and he is very agile in hunting and this cat is also one of the types of cats that always follows me wherever I go, but because he always follows me, I immediately took the opportunity to capture some photos of the cat using the camera that I have.

Talking about taking pictures, I took this using a Sony DSC hx350 powershoot camera and I took several photos of the cat from different angles. For editing this image, I used the Adobe Photoshop application and I edited it to black and white to make it look more aesthetic and more impressive. Let's check out some of the cat photos I mean below.

NOTE : I write in Indonesian with the help of Google to translate to English

Camera UsedSony
ModelDSC Hx350
LocationAceh - Indonesia


About me

My full name is Edi Suryadi, many social media friends call my name Idayrus, I come from Indonesia, specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 1997 until now I have completed my education with a degree in Communication Science. As for me, I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @idayrus


Amazing shot my friend, I love the gaze of the two eyeballs of this cat, it's so cool my friend.

Glad to hear you like it. Thanks buddy.

You're welcome my friend.