#Monomad || Monochromatic Nature / Naturaleza Monocromática

in Black And White6 days ago

English Version

Monochromatic Nature

I will never tire of photographing nature in its maximum splendor, anyone could think that my objectives are great mountains, huge sceneries and idyllic paradises, but really at our fingertips and in the simplicity of life, is where we will find the complexities and beauties of a natural environment that is huge, abstract and perfect.

Versión en Español

Naturaleza Monocromática

Jamás me cansaré de fotografiar a la naturaleza en su máximo esplendor, cualquiera pudiera pensar que mis objetivos son grandes montañas, enormes escenarios y paraísos idílicos, pero realmente al alcance de nuestra mano y en la sencillez de la vida, es en donde encontraremos las complejidades y bellezas de un ambiente natural que es enorme, abstracto y perfecto.

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love it, quiet peaceful

@jessmcwhite It's great that you liked my publication. Greetings and hugs!
