Back when I lived in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, the entire town was disrupted annually for the Ironman triathlon. It's one thing to have a parade down Sherman Avenue or a street market on one of the side streets, but Ironman shut down many roads for the sake of runners and bicyclists, and the spectator crowds made the remaining roads a challenge to traverse. I don't hate sports per se, but I hate how sports and their entourages of out-of-towners screwed up life for those of us just trying to get by.
Oh yeah, the Ironman sucks here, imagine it was a whole other level of obnoxious there. So for the two weeks preceding Derby they have the 'Kentucky Derby Festival' and it's a fancy name for screwing with the locals constantly. Air/Fireworks show that shuts down the non toll bridge downtown for days, marathon, parade, and a bunch of other bullshit I try not to notice. Lol, my beef with sports is more the absurd levels of attention and energy that gets directed towards what is essentially a distraction. I don't have teams I root for so much as fan bases I detest.