To my first baby. The one who made me a mom. My life changed in so many ways when you came into the world. Although I knew it would, the way you changed my world is only something you can only understand when you become a mother. That means you'll never truly know the love I have for you, or the way it felt the first time we locked eyes, I held you for the first time or brought you into the world. Thats why I’m writing you this letter-to remind you how much you mean to me. My love for you is and forever will be infinite.
When I found out I was pregnant with you I was shocked, excited, terrified, overjoyed, and timid. As the 9 months went on, I'll be honest. There were times that I thought to myself, am I ready for this? What if I'm not good enough? What if I can’t do all the things I like to do anymore?
Well, the 9 months flew by. They were hard. You wouldn't stop kicking me in the rib. I was exhausted. Then, the day finally came that you came into this world. It was 6am on the dot and I was asleep. Somehow, I knew that week it would be happening though. I thought you’d make your debut July 9th, and my water broke on the 10th-I like to think you knew I was waiting for you that week, we were both ready to meet each other.
My water broke as I was laying there bed…I immediately woke up your dad and went and stood in the shower, shaking like I was standing in freezing cold water, even though it was burning hot. I was terrified. Then 17 hours later the time came, they said it was time to start getting you out of my belly! I looked over at your dad with tears in my eyes and said, "I'm so scared." 2 more hours of the worst pain I've ever experienced.. and there you were! I waited for what felt like eternity for the nurses to hand you to me. But when they did, you looked right at me with your big eyes and just stared at me for what felt like forever.