Creative portraits with a hair mesh | monomad challenge [ENG] [ES]

If you ask me if it is possible to do a photo shoot with a hair stocking, my answer would be that, you just have to take your imagination to another level to see it in a different way and get to work, so began this session, without knowing what we could do and while Virgi who is the protagonist of these portraits we were talking and thinking and opens her bag to take out a brush to comb her hair but before taking out the brush she took out the stocking and my mind lit up, I said "with that" and she looked at me and said "is it serious? "and well yeah hahaha, you just have to be creative and I had to see that to get inspired, I immediately imagined some portraits on the mesh, something editorial and at the same time magazine, I was already excited, although at first I thought was to put the mesh over the lens of the camera but then I thought a little more and I felt that it would look better that way on her while she was gesturing and that process of capturing the photos would be pretty cool, She wasn't very convinced honestly hahaha but as always I decided to trust me and my work because what we were about to do we were going to love it and so it was, it was guaranteed on my part and that's how it turned out friends.

Si me preguntan si cabe la posibilidad de hacer unas sesión fotográfica con una media de cabello, mi respuesta sería que eso, solo debes llevar tu imaginación a otro nivel para verlo de una forma distinta y manos a la obra, asi empezó esta sesión, sin saber que podíamos hacer y mientras Virgi quien es la protagonista de estos retratos estábamos hablando y pensando y abre su bolso para sacar un cepillo para peinarse el cabello pero antes de sacar el cepillo saco la media y mi mente se iluminó, le dije "con eso" y me quedo viendo y dijo "¿es en serio?" y pues si jajaja, solo hay que ser creativo y tenía que ver eso para inspirarme, enseguida me imaginé unos retratos sobre la malla, algo editorial y a mismo tiempo magazine, ya estaba emocionado, aunque primeramente pensé fue en poner la malla sobre el lente e la cámara pero luego pensé un poco mas y senti que se veria mejor asi en ella puesta mientras gestualizaba y ese proceso de capturar las fotos sería bastante genial, ella no estaba muy convencida honestamente jajaja pero como siempre decidí confiar en mí y en mi trabajo porque lo que estábamos apunto de hacer nos iba a encantar y así fue, estaba garantizado por mi parte y asi fue como resultó amigos.

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And I definitely missed going crazy with some portraits, being creative and doing things that normally people are not going to do in a photo shoot, that's one of the things I love the most without a doubt, from the beginning when I was inspired I wanted to do the photos in black and white because black and white photography transmits more, it has that power and I re conformed it with these portraits.

Y yo definitivamente extrañaba enloquecer con algunos retratos, ser creativo y hacer cosas que normalmente las personas no van a hacerse en una sesión de fotos, eso es una de las cosas que más me encantan sin duda, desde un principio cuando me inspire quise hacer las fotos en blanco y negro porque la fotografía en blanco y negro transmite más, tiene ese poder y lo re conforme con estos retratos.

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And well friends since you were able to see all the results of this session I really hope you love it as much as we do, here below I will also share with you everything that was behind the camera so you can see how we had fun and also d while we were taking the pictures, also some before and after the developing and editing that I love to do. These are some of my favorite parts of the photos, the experiences and how they are lived and the creative process again I hope you like it friends and if so let me know, it would be great to read it, I send you a big greeting and lots of good virtual vibes, until next time.

Y bueno amigos ya que pudieron ver todo el resultado de esta sesión de verdad espero les encante tanto como a nosotros, aca abajo tambien les voy a compartir todo lo que fue el detrás cámara para que vean como nos divertimos y también d mientras hacíamos las fotos, también unos antes y después del revelado de edición que adore hacer. Estas son de mis partes favoritas de las fotos, las experiencias y cómo se viven y el proceso creativo nuevamente espero les agrade amigos y si es asi haganmelo saber, sería genial poder leerlo, les envio un gran saludo y mucha buena vibra virtual, hasta la próxima.

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Account where I upload my personal content | Cuenta donde subo mi contenido personal

José Luna

Account where I upload my professional content | Cuenta donde subo mi contenido profesional


Cámara utilizada en esta sesión: Canon EOS REBEL T3
Objetivo Canon: 18-55mm
Programa de edición: Adobe Photoshop CS6

Camera used in this session: Canon EOS REBEL T3
Canon Lens: 18-55mm
Editing program: Adobe Photoshop CS6


Very creative! A simple hair mesh completely changes the character of the model’s face. There's some alien feeling in it.

Thank you, and yes I totally agree

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Interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about the netting over the face. I respect the creativity, but I'm going to have to let this sink in for a while.

I truly enjoyed the behinds the scenes pictures, however! Those definitely lent more consideration to the final product. An artist at work, toying with an idea.

Thank you for this post! It truly made me think...


Thank you, of course, it's always good to enjoy the whole creative process and that's what we do. They always say "art is appreciated depending on the eyes that see it" and that is quite true.

It is always a pleasure to share it, cheers.

 3 years ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.

Thank you!!!

Thank you very much indeed, I hope you do better.