Beach and friends(ESP-ENG)

in Black And White5 months ago


Hola comunidad, hoy quiero compartirles un viaje a la playa con amigos, agradable paseo el cual quise captar en un pequeño álbum de fotografías a contraluz, captando en su mayoría siluetas, para lograr el acabado final utilize un filtro blando y negro logrando un resultado que a mi en lo personal me gustó mucho, espero que disfruten de mi pequeño aporte a esta comunidad, saludos.


Hello community, today I want to share with you a trip to the beach with friends, a pleasant walk which I wanted to capture in a small album of backlit photographs, capturing mostly silhouettes, to achieve the final finish I used a soft and black filter achieving a result that I personally liked it a lot, I hope you enjoy my small contribution to this community, greetings.

Lo primero que hicimos apenas llegamos fue buscar un lugar para acomodarnos.

The first thing we did as soon as we arrived was look for a place to settle down.

Una vez acomodados me dispongo de disfrutar de mi bebida mientras tengo una vista preciosa de esta playa paradisíaca.

Once settled, I am ready to enjoy my drink while I have a beautiful view of this paradisiacal beach.

Capto momentos mágicos sin que nadie lo sepa, porque al final solo somos eso, recuerdos fugaces de lo que fuimos en este mundo.

I capture magical moments without anyone knowing, because in the end we are just that, fleeting memories of what we were in this world.

Sin darnos cuenta entre risas, chistes y buenos momentos, ya casi tocaba despedirse de aquel día maravilloso.

Without realizing it, between laughter, jokes and good times, it was almost time to say goodbye to that wonderful day.


Es cómo si el atardecer reiniciara tu vida, y por ese instante te olvidas de todo, solo vives ese momento.


It's as if the sunset restarts your life, and for that moment you forget everything, you just live that moment.