Life in nature in black and white (ENG-ESP)-Monomad challenge



One of the characteristics of landscape photos is the noticeable presence of colors. In fact, for many, this is the most striking aspect.

And I don't blame them, some photos are truly impressive.

However, there are other images that in black and white are just as, or even more, beautiful.

When I take photos, some indicate to me that they are more suited for black and white, while others are better in color.

It's something instinctive.

While the colors of nature can denote life, in black and white they take on a different meaning.

Though, I also see life in black and white.


Una de las características de las fotos de paisajes son la notoria presencia de colores. De hecho, para muchos, esto es lo más llamativo.

Y no los juzgo, hay unas fotos que son impresionantes.

No obstante, hay otras imágenes que en blanco y negro son igual o incluso mucho más bellas.

Cuando tomo fotos, hay algunas que me indican que son más para blanco y negro, u otras a color.

Es algo instintivo.

Mientras que los colores de la naturaleza pueden denotar vida, en blanco y negro toman un contrario significado.

Aunque yo también veo vida en el blanco y negro.












It is true that there are photos that only work for color, but others are essential to take in black and white. Greetings

Thank you for your comment. Greetings.

Nice shots, the contrast of the nature in the black and white is perfect and unique.

Yes. You should come and go to Cumaca and take shots