MARATHON - My entry for todays #monomad challenge.

in Black And White3 years ago (edited)

Basel__DSC0522 (123)-01.jpeg

Oh ja... ich habe es wieder getan. Eine Fototour Richtung Basel. Das Ziel war das Fotografieren von Hochhäusern. Und es endete in einem Marathon. Acht Stunden knipsen, gut gelegene Parkplätze finden und viele Kilometer um die Häuser der schönen Stadt. Das Ergebnis: 800 geknipste Fotos, und schlussendlich 100 Aufnahmen behaltet und bearbeitet. Und abends war ich so kaputt, dass ich während des Brotbackens eingeschlafen bin.

Oh yes... I did it again. A photo tour towards Basel. The aim was to photograph skyscrapers. And it ended in a marathon. Eight hours of snapping, finding well-located parking spaces and many kilometres around the buildings of the beautiful city. The result: 800 snapped photos, and finally 100 shots kept and edited. And in the evening I was so exhausted that I fell asleep while baking bread.

Oh sí... lo hice de nuevo. Un recorrido fotográfico hacia Basilea. El objetivo era fotografiar rascacielos. Y terminó en un maratón. Ocho horas de fotos, búsqueda de aparcamientos bien situados y muchos kilómetros alrededor de los edificios de la hermosa ciudad. El resultado: 800 fotos tomadas y, finalmente, 100 instantáneas conservadas y editadas. Y por la noche estaba tan agotada que me quedé dormida mientras hacía el pan.


Nun nimmt mich aber seit geraumer Zeit wunder, wer diese Texte, vor allem in Fotochallenges, liest. Oder ob nur das erste Bild oder der gesamte Post vom den Voter angeschaut wird.

But for some time now I have been wondering who reads these texts, especially in photo challenges. Or whether only the first picture or the entire post is viewed by the voter.

Pero hace tiempo que me pregunto quién lee estos textos, sobre todo en los retos fotográficos. O si el votante sólo ve la primera foto o todo el post.


Aufgenommen mit meiner Nikon D5000 und bearbeitet mit Snapseed.

Taken with my Nikon D5000 and edited with Snapseed.

Tomada con mi Nikon D5000 y editada con Snapseed.


Originally posted on Lukas Bachofner Foto (D/ENG/ESP). Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


I have read this text :) Anyway I like very much your style in photography.

thank you for reading my text :-) and also for the compliment about my photo-style... after the marathon i was very happy when my girlfriend arribed at midnight at home and could take out the black and hard bread out of the oven.
How is the weather im oslo..?

Hahah, I know that feeling hahah
A photographers habits of burning bread hahah lovve it haha

BEERHey @lukasbachofner, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

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How is the weather im oslo..?

We are flooded with snow 😄 Driving a car is extreme sport right now 🤠


Hats down, great edits. That was an extreme marathon, though :)

thank you for the compliment... i'm so glad when i am not the only one who likes my pictures.

Cool black and white 😅👌👌👌🍷 I hope we soon see more things what you have.

You deffinetly got it qnd I love youre photographic view!

Keep on going, you rock hahah

!giphy photo addict

@sandymeyer denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@sandymeyer thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

BEERHey @lukasbachofner, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

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That third shot is awesome. So imposing.