Black and white Yosemite Deu/Eng

in Black And White3 years ago


Hallo liebe Community,
heute meine besten Schwarz-Weiß Bilder aus dem Yosemite Nationalpark. Fast noch besser als die in Farbe. Ich kann nur jedem Hobbyfotografen raten hier hin zu fahren und Bilder zu machen. Das sind wahre Schätze in jeder Sammlung um die Euch alle beneiden werden.

Viele Grüße und bis bald Euer

Hello dear community,
today my best black and white pictures from Yosemite National Park. Almost better than the ones in color. I can only advise every amateur photographer to go here and take pictures. These are real treasures in every collection and everyone will envy you.

Many greetings and see you soon your






This park is really beautiful

 3 years ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.


Wow! I’m speechless with the first picture and the one with the reflection. I use to prefer landscapes in colors, but I have to admit that these pictures are very powerful in black and white!

Woooooow I'd !love to go there!