A family of girls - Monomad Challenge.

in Black And White2 months ago


A few days ago, a girl contacted me. She wanted to have a photo shoot in my studio and asked if I could also take some photos of her with her family. Of course, I said yes, and when the day arrived, I was surprised to find that she was accompanied by only women, four to be exact. They were her sisters and cousins, and they all came dressed up to take some beautiful photos.

I'll start by showing you the group photos I took:

Hace unos dias fuí contactado por una chica, ella queria hacer una sesion de fotos en mi estudio y me preguntó si tambien le podia tomar algunas fotos junto a su familia, obviamente le dije que si y cuando llegó al dia mi sorpresa fue que llegó acompañada por puras mujeres, 4 para ser exacto, eran sus hermanas y sus primas, todas fueron en vestido para hacerse unas fotos muy lindas.

Empezaré por mostrarles las fotos que les tomé en grupo:




For all these photos, I used my Canon RP camera, a 50mm lens, and a single light source, my speedlite flash with a 50cm octabox.

None of the girls were models or had any previous experience in photo shoots, so I guided all the girls' poses to make them feel comfortable with the photos.

Para todas estas fotos utilicé mi camara Canon RP , un lente 50mm y un solo punto de luz, mi flash speedlite con un octabox de 50cm.

Ninguna de las chica era modelo ni tenia experiencia previa en sesiones de fotos asi que yo estuve guiando las poses a todas las chicas para que ellas se sintieran comodas con las fotos.



And now I'll show you the photos I took of each one. They all had their chance to be in front of the camera and take as many photos as they wanted. Some of the girls wanted to take more photos than others...

Y ahora les mostraré las fotos que les hice a cada una, todas tuvieron su oportunidad de ponerse al frente de la camara y hacer la cantidad de fotos que quisieran, algunas de las chicas quisieron hacerse mas fotos que otras...






The next girl was the one who wanted to take the most photos, and she was the one who hired me. She told me that she usually takes herself photos daily, so it was something she enjoyed.

La siguiente chica fue quien mas fotos se quiso hacer y justamente ella fue quien me contrató, me dijo que normalmente se tomaba fotos a diario así que era algo que le gustaba.







At the end of the photo shoot, all the girls were super satisfied with their photos. I hope you liked them as much as we did!

Thanks for watching!

Al final de la sesión de fotos todas las chicas quedaron super satisfechas con sus fotos, espero que a ustedes les hayan gustado tanto como a nosotros!

Gracias por ver!


So much beauty! 🙂

I can see so many of these photos being framed and given to grandparents, etc.

Yeahh i could think the same!