Monomad Challenge - Cat Silhouette at backlighting

in Black And Whitelast year

Hello beautiful black and white community, I hope you have a nice day, my best wishes to all of you.

In my daily life I like to set photographic "tasks or challenges" to practice and in the process improve my photography skills.

Yesterday, I wanted to continue practicing this backlight technique that if applied correctly and with a clear idea, you can obtain very beautiful results!

My idea was clear, the silhouette of a cat against the light, where I highlighted the most characteristic features of cats: the fur, ears and whiskers.

I will use these photos as an entry to the #monomad challenge contest

Hola bonita comunidad de black and white espero tengan un bonito día, mis mejores deseos para todos ustedes.

En mi dia a dia me gusta ponerme "tareas o retos" fotograficos para practicar y en el proceso mejorar mi habilidad en la fotografia.

Ayer quise seguir practicando esta tenica de contraluz que si se aplica de una manera correcta y con una idea clara, se pueden obtener resultados muy bonitos!

Mi idea era clara, la silueta de un gato a contraluz, donde resalte los mas caracteristico de los gatos: el pelaje, orejas y bigotes.

Usaré estás fotos como entrada al concurso #monomad challenge


I couldn't have a better model for these photos than my cat Rayito, unlike many cats, she loves to be photographed and when I point the camera at her she literally strikes poses, stays in the scene and purrs throughout the photo session.

No podia tener una mejor modelo para estas fotos que mi gata Rayito, a diferencia de muchos gatos, a ella le encanta ser fotografiada y cuando la apunto ocn la camara literalmente hace poses, se queda en la escena y ronronea durante toda la sesion de fotos.



In a couple of attempts I managed to take the desired photos but I didn't stop there, I continued taking more photos but with a different approach and I got one that I loved soo much!!!

En un par de intentos logré tomar las fotos deseadas pero no pare allí, le segui tomando mas fotos pero con diferente enfoque y obtuve una que me encanto demasiado!!!


"This is my entry for the #monomad challenge."


Something that I have been learning is that the combination of a defined light with a well-defined shadow creates a "contrast" (pardon the redundancy) that is very powerful visually and the photos obtain a more professional look.

Algo que vengo aprendiendo es que la combinacion de una luz definida con una sombra bien definida crea un "contraste" (valga la redundancia) que es muy potente visualmente y las fotos obtienen un look mas profesional.



These silhouettes were spectacular, no doubt this way of composing the illumination and the black and white compositions have a lot of character. Best regards !

thanks you a lot my friend!

Rayito, always a darling in front of the lens 🥹.

one day i will record the sessions with her, she really loves to be photographed!!

That will be great to see whenever you do! 🤩

The backlit photographs always leave an incredible result and in this case with that marked light and those marked shadows also as you mention, the contrast leaves a very good finish.

The backlit photographs always leave an incredible result

that's really tru!

I loved the result of your exercise. And I see the model behaved well.


she is a really sweet litle cat!