People under the rain - Monomad Challenge.

in Black And White9 months ago (edited)

Yesterday it was raining almost all day and I had the idea of going out with my camera in hand to continue exploring the photographic possibilities that the 200mm lens offers me and I must say that I love it for street photography.

I will use these photos as an entry to the #monomad challenge contest.

The rain creates a very beautiful atmosphere for photographs and even people dress differently, everything is different under the rain, I would dare to say even more romantic.

First I will show you the photos I took of people using umbrellas:

Ayer estuvo lloviendo casi todo el dia y se me ocurrió salir a la calle con mi camara en mano para seguir explorando las posibilidades fotograficas que me ofrece el lente 200 mm y debo decir que me encanta para hacer street photography.

Usaré estas fotos como entrada al concurso #monomad challenge.

La lluvia crea una atmosfera muy bonita para las fotografias y hasta las personas se visten diferente, todo es diferente bajo la lluvia, me atreveria a decir que hasta mas romantico.

Primero les mostraré las fotos que tomé de personas usando paraguas:

There were other people who were not carrying umbrellas because at that moment it was only raining softly, the worst part had already passed and that is precisely why I went out to take photos, my camera is not waterproof so I had to wait for the intensity of the rain to decrease.

One of the first things I noticed was that street vendors, with or without rain, always keep going there trying to get money for their homes.

Habian otras personas que no llevaban paraguas porque realmente en ese momento solo estaba cayendo una lluvia suave, la peor parte ya habia pasado y justamente por eso es que yo habia salido a hacer fotos, mi camara no es aprueba de agua asi que tenia que esperar que bajara la intensidad de la lluvia.

Una de las primeras cosas que noté fue que los vendedores de calle con lluvia o sin lluvia siempre siguen allí intentando conseguir dinero para sus hogares.

I personally am a fan of rainy days and I love wearing sweaters and coats to walk down the street.

Yo en lo personal soy fan de los dias lluviosos y me encanta usar sueteres y abrigos para andar en la calle....

I must also admit that I was a little surprised by the number of people I saw walking in the rain, something that I found too beautiful, I suppose that like me, these people also enjoy a rainy day.

Tambien debo admitir que estuve un poco sorprendido por la cantidad de personas que ví caminando bajo la lluvia, algo que me parecio demasiado bonito, supongo que como yo, estas personas tambien disfrutan de un dia lluvioso.

The 200mm lens became my perfect ally for this urban exploration. Its focal length allowed me to capture scenes from a discreet perspective, without interfering with people's daily lives. In this way, I was able to portray reality as it unfolded, without altering or manipulating it.

This gentleman was covered by a plastic bag, something quite precarious but I suppose effective for him.

El lente 200mm se convirtió en mi aliado perfecto para esta exploración urbana. Su distancia focal me permitió capturar escenas desde una perspectiva discreta, sin interferir en la vida cotidiana de las personas. De esta manera, pude retratar la realidad tal cual se desarrollaba, sin alterarla ni manipularla.

Este señor estaba cubierto por una bolsa plastica, algo bastante precario pero supongo que efectivo.

This mother and her son walked in the rain getting wet without worry.

Esta madre y su hijo caminaban bajo la lluvia mojandose sin preocupacion.

I really liked this photo because of the "tunnel" that is created between the trees and the sidewalk.

Esta foto me gustó mucho por el "tunel" que se crea entre los arboles y la acera.

I keep exploring, improving and learning new ways to be able to offer you better quality content, I hope you liked these photos as much as I did!

Sigo explorando, mejorando y aprendiendo nuevas maneras de poder brindarles un contenido de mejor calidad, espero que estas fotos les hayan gustado tanto como a mi!



They are beautiful photographs.
I live in a city where it never rains. For me, seeing rain is always beautiful.

 9 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.

Thanks really much!