Photographing strangers 26 - Monomad Challenge.

in Black And White4 days ago


This is my last post photographing strangers at my city's fair. What a journey it was! If you thought there were a lot of photos, imagine me, who took many more and had to edit them all to then select the best ones, talk to all these people and send them all their photos. It was a lot of work that in the end was 100% worth the effort and I'm very happy to have done it. I'm also very happy for all the support I've received in this community, thank you so much!

The first photos I'll show you today are of two girls who were models and worked as promoters for a company at the fair. Days before I had already taken photos of their co-workers so they had already seen my work and already had confidence so it was very easy for them to accept the photos.

Esta es mi ultima publicacion de fotografiando personas desconocidas en la feria de mi ciudad, vaya travesia que fue... Si a ustedes les pareció que fueron bastantes fotos imaginense a mi, que tomé muchisimas mas y las tuve que editar todas para luego seleccionar las mejores, hablar con todas estas personas y enviarles a todos sus fotos, fue bastante trabajo que al final valió 100% el esfuerzo y estoy muy feliz de haberlo hecho, tambien estoy muy feliz por todo el apoyo que he recibido en esta comunidad, de verdad muchisimas gracias!

Las primeras fotos que les mostraré el dia de hoy son de dos chicas que eran modelos y trabajaban como promotoras para una empresa en la feria, dias antes ya le habia hecho fotografias a sus compañeros de trabajo así que ellas ya habian visto mi trabajo y ya tenian confianza asi que fue muy facil que me aceptaran las fotos.





Both girls posed on their own and both had a lot of confidence in themselves.

Ambas chicas posaron por su cuenta y ambas tenian mucha confianza en si mismas.





Then I headed towards the stage area which is where more people usually gathered, when I got there I took a couple of photos of some girls who would do a dance performance, first all together and then individual photos:

Luego me dirigí hacia la parte del escenario que es donde usualmente se concentraban mas personas, al llegar allí le tomé un par de fotos a unas chicas que harian una presentacion de danza, primero todas juntas y despues fotos individuales:





The following girls were singers of llanera music and were also preparing to do a performance on stage, I asked them if I could take a couple of photos and this was the result:

Las siguientes chicas eran cantantes de musica llanera y tambien se estaban preparando para hacer una presentacion en el escenario, les pregunté si les podia hacer un par de fotos y este fue el resultado:






I kept walking as usual and saw two girls who were together and were taking photos of each other so I decided to approach them and tell them that I could take a couple of photos with my camera and send them later, they said yes and this was the result:

Seguí caminando como de costumbre y ví a dos chicas que estaban juntas y se estaban tomando fotos asi que decidí acercarme decirles que les podia tomar un par de fotos con mi camara y enviarselas luego, ellas dijeron que si y este fue el resultado:




Then I photographed her friend:

Luego fotografié a su amiga:





I left my favorite photos for the end, these photos were of a family of girls who were entering together, both mother and daughters were very pretty so I approached them to ask if I could take a couple of photos for my content and one of the girls said that she had already seen my videos before so they accepted with great confidence, first I took a photo of the three together:

Dejé mis fotos favoritas para el final, estas fotos fueron de una familia de chicas que iban entrando juntas, tanto madre e hijas eran muy bonitas asi que me acerqué a ellas a preguntarles si les podia hacer un par de fotografias para mi contenido y una de las chicas dijo que ya habia visto mis videos antes asi que aceptaron con mucha confianza, primero les hice una foto a las tres juntas:


Then I photographed the mother to generate confidence:

Luego fotografié a la mamá para generar confianza:


The next girl only wanted 1 photo and it was this one:

La siguiente chica solo quiso 1 foto y fue esta:


The next girl was a diva and loved to be photographed so we took a couple of photos that turned out beautiful!

La siguiente chica era toda una diva y le encantaba ser fotografiada asi que hicimos un par de fotos que quedaron hermosas!





Thank you for all the support you gave to this series of photography, thank you so much!!

Gracias por todo el apoyo que le dieron a esta serie de fotografia, de verdad muchisimas gracias!!


Not only taking pictures, asking permission from strangers, editing them, and then struggling to send the photos to their accounts, it's really not easy. And I really appreciate your hard work. Hope you.

Are you blurring the people in the background in post or is that all from the camera? It must be in post right, you're getting the entire subject from hair to shoes in great focus but then all of the background is blurred. They look so good, I hope everyone is really happy with them. People are in photos all the time, but being in actual proper well-taken portraits is super rare. You're doing a community service!

no i didnt blurried anything in post, everything was achieved in camera!

That's amazing!