The photos I'm sharing with you today were my second time as a wedding photographer, and I'm very proud to have done a good job.
For me, it's always an honor and a pleasure to be part of the special dates in people's lives, and that's precisely why I love this job so much. Photography allows me to freeze these special moments in time, so they can treasure them for a lifetime!
The first photo I took was when the bride and groom arrived at the civil registry, which is where people get 'legally' married here in Venezuela.
Las fotografias que les compartiré hoy fueron mi segunda ocasion como fotografo de boda y me siento muy orgulloso de haber hecho un buen trabajo.
Para mi siempre es un honor y todo un placer ser parte de las fechas especiales en la vidas de las personas y precisamente por eso me gusta tanto este trabajo, la fotografia me permite congelar en el tiempo estos momentos especiales y asi ellos los podran atesorar para toda la vida!
La primera foto que tomé fue cuando los novios llegaron al registro civil, que es el lugar en donde se casan "legalmente" las personas aqui en venezuela.
As they got out of the car, they were immediately greeted by their furry children!
Al bajarse del carro inmediatamente fueron recibidos por sus hijos perrunos!
Then they went into the registry room where the legal ceremony and all the paperwork take place. After finishing that whole process, I was able to go in and take this photo:
Luego pasaron a la habitación del registro donde se hace toda la ceremonia legal y todo el papeleo, al terminar todo ese proceso pude pasar y hacerles esta foto:
Upon exiting, their entire family was waiting to congratulate them, and I was able to take this lovely photo:
Al salir toda su familia los estaba esperando para felicitarlos, pude hacerles esta linda foto:
Their celebration was just beginning; the bride and groom went to a restaurant where their friends and the rest of their family were waiting to celebrate their marriage together.
This was the first photo I took of them upon arriving at the restaurant, where they were making their triumphant entrance and everyone was applauding them:
Su celebracion solo estaba empezando, los novios se fueron a un restaurante donde los estaban esperando sus amistades y el resto de su familia para celebrar su matrimonio todos juntos.
Esta fue la primera foto que les hice al llegar al restaurante, aqui estaban haciendo su entrada triunfal y todos les aplaudian
They sat at the table to listen to the speech that had been prepared for them. Look how this couple in love looks at each other!
Se sentaron en la mesa para escuchar el discurso que les tenian preparados, miren como se miran esta pareja de enamorados!
The bride's father was in charge of giving the speech, very beautiful and emotional!
El papa de la novia fue el encargado de dar el discurso, muy lindo y emocional!
At the end of the speech, everyone made a toast!
Al terminar el discurso todos hicieron un brindis!
I had previously agreed with the bride and groom that they would dedicate at least 30 minutes of their time to me to do a post-wedding photo session so they would have a beautiful portrait of their special day.
I started by photographing them together, and we explored different areas of the restaurant to have variety in the photos:
Ya habia acordado previamente con los novios que me dedicaran al menos 30 minutos de su tiempo para hacerles una sesion de fotos postboda para que tengan un retrato hermoso de su dia especial.
Empecé por fotografiarlos juntos y exploramos diferentes areas del restaurante para tener variedad en las fotos:
Then I took a couple of photos with their car as a background; this car has a lot of meaning for them.
Luego les hice un par de fotografias con su carro como fondo, este carro tiene mucho significado para ellos.
They loved the photos of them kissing, which is why there are so many of those, haha.
A ellos les encantaban las fotos dandose un beso por eso hay tanta asi jajaja
Then I took a couple of photos of each of the bride and groom, and these two were the best:
Luego les hice un par de fotos a cada novio y estas dos fueron las mejores:
Then they did the tradition of throwing the bouquet, and I took a photo with the friend who caught it:
Luego hicieron la tradicion de lanzar el ramo y le tomé una foto junto a la amiga que lo atrapó:
In the end, everyone was super happy with the photos taken on this day. I hope you like them as much as we do!
Al final todos quedamos super contentos con las fotos obtenidas en este dia, espero que a ustedes les gusten tanto como a nosotros!
They look so happy! Such a great and intimate wedding, just you and people you love and close to you. You captured their love nicely. :D
Hermosas fotografías, lindo recuerdo para la pareja, saludos
Que lindas fotos. Deben haber quedado muy complacidos los novios