XV Photography - monomad Challenge.

in Black And White7 months ago

A few days ago I had the opportunity to work as a photographer at the classic 15th birthday party celebration and I managed to take some very nice photos.

I will use this photos as an entry to the #monomad challenge.

The truth is I took a lot of photos this day but today I only share today the ones that I liked the most.

The party had a decoration set in the style of Alice in Wonderland, it was very beautiful.

Hace dias tuve la oportunidad de trabajar como fotografo en la clasica fiesta de 15 años y logré hacer unas fotos muy lindas.

Usaré estas fotos como entrada al concurso #monomad challenge.

La verdad tomé muchisimas fotos este dia pero en el dia de hoy solo les comparto las que a mi mas me gustaron.

La fiesta tenia una decoracion ambientada al estilo de Alicia en el pais de las maravilla, era muy bonita.

At the classic 15th birthday party there are always several elements that are carried out as part of the ceremony, the first thing is that the father changes the birthday girl's shoes and puts her on some heels, symbolizing the change in the stage of her life.

En una fiesta de quinceañera siempre hay varios elementos que se llevan acabo como parte de la ceremonia, lo primero es que el padre le cambia las zapatillas a la cumpleañera y le pone unos tacones, simbolizando el cambio en la etapa de su vida.

Then the mother and sister proceed to put a crown on her.

Luego la madre y la hermana proceden a ponerle una corona.

After those two things, the girl proceed to dance the waltz, here the birthday girl dances with all the party guests.

Despues de esas dos cosas se procede a bailar el vals, aqui la cumpleañera baila con todos los invitados de la fiesta.

At the end of the entire traditional ceremony, I told the girl to give me about 20 minutes to take some portraits of her, before she went to change and with the heat of the party she ended up all sweaty.

It was time to put my photography skills to work!

First I took a portrait of her sitting in the chair, she looked beautiful like a princess.

Al concluir toda la ceremonia tradicional le dije a la chica que me dedicara unos 20 minutos para hacerle unos retratos, antes de que se fuera a cambiar y con el calor de la fiesta ella terminara toda sudada.

Era el momento de poner mis habilidades de fotografo en marcha!

Primero le tome un retrato sentada en la silla, se veia hermosa como toda una princesa.

Afterwards we went to where all the decorations were and I took a couple of portraits there next to the cake.

Despues fuimos a donde estaba toda la decoracion y le tome un par de retratos alli junto a la torta.

The party entertainers saw us taking the photo and wanted to join!!

Los animadores de la fiesta nos vieron tomando la foto y quisieron unirse!!

Obviously we also took another photo in the chair with them too!

Obviamente tambien hicimos otra foto en la silla con ellos tambien!

At the entrance to the party there was a very nice red carpet style decoration, I wanted to take some photos there too because I thought they could be very pretty and they were!

En la entrada de la fiesta habia una decoracion muy linda estilo alfombra roja, quise hacer unas fotos alli tambien porque me pareció que podian quedar muy lindas y asi fue!

After finishing the portrait photo session, the quinceañera went to change her clothes and the party began. I wanted to take advantage of the occasion to take some photos with a swept style, a very typical style in party photos!

Despues de haber terminado la sesion de fotos de retratos la quinceañera se fue a cambiar de ropa y empezó la fiesta, quise aprovechar la ocasion para hacer algunas fotos con estilo barrido, un estilo muy tipico en las fotos de fiestas!

I hope you like these photos as much as I do!

Espero que a ustedes les gusten estas fotos tanto como a mi!


Whoa! I have never seen such an incredibly fancy 15th birthday party. They went absolutely all out and all these photos look incredible.

Even this one was really good and big it is not the fanciest one i've seen, people go all out in these parties hahaha

The party looks fun! Amazing capture my friend. I love the moments and that last photo is just crazy!

What a fun theme for a quince 😊, and excellent photos! 🥲