MONOMAD - Saurópsido Escamoso

in Black And White4 years ago

Saurópsido Escamoso


Las iguanas adultas tienen muchos detalles, su piel cubierta de escamas las hace parecer amenazantes aunque estos animales son herbívoros e inofensivos. En blanco y negro se ven muy bien sus texturas y el contraste entre sus partes claras y oscuras de forma muy marcada. La naturaleza siempre nos da cosas maravillosas para observar y compartir. Espero sea de su agrado, nos vemos pronto.

The iguanas as adults have many details, their skin covered with scales make them look threatening although these animals are herbivores and harmless. In black and white you can see very well their textures and the contrast between their light and dark parts in a very marked manner. Nature always gives us wonderful things to observe and share. I hope you like it, see you soon.

Photograph taken with camera Fujifilm HS25EXR
Cumaná - Venezuela

Here you can see the Rules of the MONOMAD Photographic Contest
I say goodbye until a next opportunity.
a warm greeting to @brumest the creator of the contest #MONOMAD
Author: @manuel82