Fathers also need love ❤️

in Black And Whitelast year


Odalis, Alexis & Mikhalis many police officers in the U.S. has un- alive many fathers because of the bitter baby mothers who refuses to let fathers see their children.

I will never put you or myself in harms way. The system doesn't play fair and these police officers will do anything to used their authority & white supremacy to challenge any fathers who dare to be with their children lives.

So your mother has used this power against me for 7 years by blocking me on Facebook, Whatsapp and then say I never wanted to be around you all.

She's a liar and the truth is not in her. Your mother has done more harm to me, hurt, pain, disappointment, setbacks, and more.

Gloria Kokoma Onwionoko( Gloria Styles ) and her family and friends know the truth about her where about, your living conditions, where you attend school and who's around you when she leaves the house. But she consistently over and over refuse me access to you all. So how does that make you my children feel?

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