MONOMAD : The Story of Sweat Bees (Family Halictidae)

in Black And White3 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the daily #monomad challenge hosted and curated by @monochromes

macro photo of an insect. The insect in my post this time is one of the many types of insects that we usually know as bees, bees are types of insects that have various types and one of them is the bee that I share, the name of the bee in my post is a "sweat bees" in the family halictidae, I took a photo of this bee when I was in my friend's garden which is located in Aceh - Indonesia.To take part in today's #monomad contest, I'd like to show you some

Sedikit bercerita tentany saya disini, pertama saya takut mengambil foto serangga ini, karena seperti yang sama-sama kita ketahui bahwa umumnya lebah adalah jenis serangga penyengat,

To tell a little about me here, at first I was afraid to take photos of these insects, because as we both know that generally bees are a type of stinging insect, then my friend said that he is not dangerous, and I started to venture to take this photo of the bee, maybe friends who read this article are wondering why I should be afraid when taking pictures and keep my distance,this is because I took photos using a smartphone camera and the help of a macro lens, and that requires me to stand more closely with the object I'm going to shoot, it's different if I use a DSLR and don't need to get too close when shooting.

When I started writing this article, I also took the time to read and learn about insects called bees on wikipedia, and yes! It turns out that there are indeed types of bees that don't sting or commonly called by name Stingless bee, and one of them is the sweat bee that I share in this post. But when taking this photo of bees you also need to pay attention to the condition of your own body, this is because as the name implies, sweat bees (maybe he's the type that likes to perch on sweat, may be), so if you're in a sweaty state better stay away from him, and on wikipedia it is also explained that the size of this bee is very small, which is less than 2 millimeters (0.08 inches).

Okay buddy, first I will show you some photos of bees that I took when he was alone.

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Luar biasa gambar yang anda bagikan hari ini sobat, selamat.

Wow sangat bagus sekali