I really enjoy capturing the little details of these ships in macro. They are fun to collect; their is a game built around them as well, which I have played from time to time. What I really like doing, though, is just admiring and capturing photos of them. I imagine that one day I will do some more elaborate scenes with these Star Wars starships, maybe stage some combat, and add some effects.
For those who have seen the Mandalorian series, the Razor Crest is a very familiar ship, used by the title character, Din Djarin, who is a bounty hunter that finds a very different path that puts him in the care of a very young little ward.
The A-Wing was originally a Rebel Alliance fighter designed to keep up with the speed and maneuverability of the Imperial Tie Interceptors. Many of these A-Wings were first seen at the pivotal battle of Endor, which saw the rebel fleet help take down the second Death Star.
The macro perspective really highlights the insect world influence in their design. Never really noticed that before. First one has a praying mantis look to it.