Não percebo o seu comentário, mas calculo que se esteja a referir ao mute na sua publicação.
Nós moderamos o conteúdo publicado na comunidade black and white, e temos especial atenção a certos pormenores fotográficos básicos, tais como focus, exposição e composição.
Infelizmente os seu post não atingiu os nossos mínimos de qualidade.
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I wonder why my articles are always hidden here, my articles are original, I want to know the reason, maybe you can help
You got 2 posts muted out of a total of four published. That's not always, is it?
Original content just by itself doesn't give anyone a free pass to publish whatever they want in our community.
As stated in our rules (that you most likely have read, right?) we give special attention to few photographic basics, such as focus, exposure and composition.
Unfortunately those two muted publications didn't reach our minimum quality threshold.
ok, if so what should i fix? please guide me,. because I also don't want this to happen again
please explain in detail where is the error in my article???