Landscapes in monochrome II, my entry to today's Monomad Chalenge

This time I decided to work on a different photograph than the one from two days ago, in a way it is similar because it is a rocky landscape, but as you will notice during the post, everything is different, so come with me to see this beautiful photograph.


That mountain is huge, it is solid rock and even so, sometimes there are landslides that end up blocking the road, to give you an idea of the size of the mountain, look at the road sign, can't you see it?


How about now? Ok let me zoom in!


The road is full of adventures, and dangers too, I am trying to plan a new trip but this time in a pickup truck to avoid damaging my car, I hope everything becomes possible, I really liked this area because it is very dry desert type, not with sand and dunes like in the Sonora desert, but quite desertic.


Look at the size of this agave, well I think it is an agave, but compared to the construction on the side it looks huge, I would not want to sting myself with one of its tips, and that would be all for today, see you in the next post.
