My entry to today's Monomad Challenge, Compensating the aperture with shutter speed.

I'm still doing some tests in the garden with the 50mm lens. The truth is that this time there were few pictures because I've been very busy with work and I've had almost no time to do some personal activities that I like such as photography, but well, at the end of the day it's not the quantity that matters but the quality.

And I feel that I got a good result although it is not me who should judge it but you who observe this post, so let's start.

Some weeds have come up in the garden, and although they are plants I don't know and don't really appreciate, I can't deny that once I saw them with a more “professional” perspective I was pleased with the result of what I got.


And as you can see to get that bokeh with the intense sun I had to increase the shutter speed until I got the result I wanted, the truth is that it looked the way I wanted.


In the second picture I had to speed up even more to compensate for the lens aperture, and again I feel the result is good.


The third and last photograph was of one of the succulents that I still have in the garden, it was a photograph at sunrise but in reality it was a against the light and that is why I had to increase the speed so much even though there was not so much light at that moment, the aperture was perfect and all the photographs were made without a tripod, next week I will start using it to get even more bokeh, see you.


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!