Monomad: "Caracas Through My Lens: Chaos and Beauty on Two Wheels" ENG / ESP


Today, I want to share with you some photographs of the streets of Caracas from a ride I took on my motorcycle to the downtown area of the capital.

El día de hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algunas fotografías de las calles de Caracas de un recorrido que realicé en mi moto hasta el área del centro de la capital.

In these images, you can catch a glimpse of the daily chaos that surrounds us, framed by the beautiful Ávila mountain and the brickwork of our barrios.

Donde podrán ver un poco del caos que nos acompaña día a día junto al hermoso cerro El Ávila, enmarcado por los ladrillos de nuestros barrios.




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Photographer: Arturo Nahmens


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!