Monomad: "From Lenses to Loaves: A Photographer's New Chapter" ENG / ESP


On an ordinary day, I usually stop by to say hello to a great friend and colleague (also a photographer) who wasn’t as fortunate to continue in the profession. He is now stable, working as the manager of a bakery and a business that specializes in purifying water.

En un día común y corriente, normalmente paso a saludar a un gran amigo y colega (fotógrafo) que no tuvo la suerte de continuar con la profesión. Hasta ahora se encuentra estable trabajando como encargado de una panadería y de un negocio que se encarga de potabilizar agua.


This is my friend Raúl, who worked for many years as a photographer and fingerprint analyst in a public institution. However, the twists and turns of life led him to the job he has now. The difference during this visit was that he didn’t expect me to take a few photos of him alongside his employee.

Este es mi amigo Raúl, el cual trabajó una gran cantidad de años como fotógrafo y dactiloscopista en una institución pública. Sin embargo, las diferentes vueltas de la vida lo llevaron al trabajo en el cual se encuentra ahora. La diferencia es que, en esta visita, él no se esperaba que le haría unas cuantas fotos junto a su empleado.





Photographer: Arturo Nahmens


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La fotografía documental tiene una importancia excepcional, son momentos únicos que quedan a la historia y has capturado muy bien la cotidianidad de tu amigo, buenas fotos. Saludos

muchas gracias amigo mio!

I am happy to hear the story of your friend who changed his profession from a photographer to a bakery manager, sometimes someone's luck is never known, today you captured some pictures that my friend could not have imagined.

I am happy to hear the story of your friend who changed his profession from a photographer to a bakery manager, sometimes someone's luck is never known, today you captured some pictures that my friend could not have imagined.

thank you very much my friend!

Amazing story
I found this strength to venture outside his area of profession to explore a new page on the long journey of life is inspiring.

thank you very much my friend!