2+2=5, developing critical thinking / Monomad challenge [Eng/Esp]

in Black And White2 months ago (edited)

My best wishes for peace and well-being, dear #blackandwhite friends.

A long time ago I understood that the same event can have several interpretations. There are many factors that influence something like this: there are the social, economic and political causes, to name a few. Today, I wanted to extrapolate this reality in my photographic work, one image, many ways to understand it. So without further ado, here are the photos. Feel free to give your opinion, I'll read you in the comments.

This is my entry to the #monomad contest from @monochromes and @brumest.

Hace mucho tiempo comprendí que un mismo hecho puede tener varias interpretaciones. Hay muchos factores que influyen en algo así: están las causas sociales, económicas y políticas, por mencionar algunas. Hoy, he querido extrapolar esta realidad en mi trabajo fotográfico, una imagen, muchas formas de entenderla. Así que sin más, aquí van las fotos. Siéntanse libres de opinar, les leo en los comentarios.Mis mayores deseos de paz y bienestar, queridos amigos de #blackandwhite.

In one of the most touristy areas of Havana I found an exhibition with photographs of Cuban children, I was captivated by the reflection of the girl's face and the classic car in the background. Many things went through my mind.

En una de las zonas más turísticas de la Habana encontré una exposición con fotografías de niños cubanos, me cautivó el reflejo del rostro de la niña y al fondo el auto clásico. Muchas cosas pasaron por mi mente.

I'm lousy at naming pictures, but I'll try with this one:" More than an ice cream".

Soy pésimo para dar nombres a las fotografías, pero lo intentaré con esta:" Más que un helado"

These pigeons are an invasive species in the city, but at least they put on a nice show when they are about to mate.

Estas palomas son una especie invasora en la ciudad, pero al menos dan un bonito espectáculo cuando están por aparearse.



The day-to-day life of the Cuban, the bus that takes hours to pass, the battle for subsistence.

Vivencias del cubano día a día, la autobús que demora horas en pasar, la batalla por la subsistencia.



In bad weather, a good face, we say around here, there is no other, pure resilience and adaptation.

A mal tiempo buena cara, decimos por aquí, es que no hay otra, pura resiliencia y adaptación.

That's all for today friends, it has been a pleasure to share my passion for photography and I hope you have enjoyed it. Until the next adventure. Hugs.

Es todo por hoy amigos, ha sido un placer compartir de mi pasión por la fotografía y espero hayan sido de su agrado. Hasta la próxima aventura. Abrazos

Technical data: Nikon D200, Tamron lens 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DI.
Translation: DeepL free version
Authorship: All photos were taken by me  

The positions where you took the photos are well selected.
Great collection of photos from your city

Thank you very much for your appreciation, I am happy you liked the photos. Blessings 😃🤗

Beautiful pictures no doubt, but I would say the best is the one of the two pigeons flying, you captured a very beautiful moment!

Thank you my friend, yes I also liked that picture very much, in the parks those pigeons give a good show. Greetings

The street never sleeps and always shows us different facets as all your routines, or at least that is the dynamic as you show us with your photographs.

Exactly, there is a surprising dynamism in the city, each one with his own story, trying to make a living, and I try to bring that to the photographs. Greetings and thank you for your comment my friend.

 2 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.

Thank you @monochromes, thanks for the support, it is a great help for me the recognition you give me.