My Entry Monomad Challenge #383 ~ protest action in black and white visuals

in Black And White2 months ago

Hello Hiver in Black And White Community

My entry this time is some pictures of black and white Photos


A few days ago, the Indonesian government again issued a policy that was considered not in favor of its citizens. This time, the Indonesian government plans to increase taxes by 12% in various sectors. This policy has sparked protests from students. > Beberapa hari yang lalu, pemerintah Indonesia kembali mengeluarkan kebijakan yang dianggap tidak berpihak kepada warganya. Kali ini, pemerintah Indonesia berencana menaikkan pajak sebesar 12% di berbagai sektor. Kebijakan ini memicu aksi protes dari kalangan mahasiswa.



Hundreds of students gathered in a demonstration that was closely guarded by the police. This was done to ensure that the demonstration ran smoothly and did not end in anarchic actions.

Ratusan mahasiswa berkumpul dalam aksi unjuk rasa yang mendapat pengawalan ketat dari pihak kepolisian. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memastikan jalannya demonstrasi berlangsung lancar dan tidak berujung pada tindakan anarkis.



The coordinator of the demonstration delivered a speech addressed to the people's representatives to be forwarded to the government as a form of rejection of the tax increase policy.

Koordinator aksi menyampaikan orasi yang ditujukan kepada perwakilan rakyat untuk diteruskan kepada pemerintah sebagai bentuk penolakan atas kebijakan kenaikan pajak tersebut.



On this occasion, I will share some photos in black and white format with this community. I took the photos during the demonstration.

Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan membagikan beberapa foto dalam format hitam putih kepada komunitas ini. Foto-foto tersebut saya ambil saat berlangsungnya aksi unjuk rasa.



In the demonstration, the orator of the demonstration conveyed demands that the Indonesian government cancel the plan to increase taxes by 12%.

Dalam demonstrasi tersebut, orator aksi menyampaikan tuntutan agar pemerintah Indonesia membatalkan rencana kenaikan pajak sebesar 12%.



Here are some black and white visuals that I share through this photography content for friends everywhere. These photos are also my contribution to the black and white photography challenge that is held every day.

Berikut adalah beberapa visual hitam putih yang saya bagikan melalui konten fotografi ini untuk teman-teman di mana pun berada. Foto-foto ini juga menjadi kontribusi saya dalam tantangan fotografi hitam putih yang diselenggarakan setiap hari.



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I strongly agree with the action carried out by students in our country, you captured some beautiful portraits of this action.

An interesting metaphor from the protester, I am indeed a snake with many venoms 🤣