Hello Hiver in Black And White Community
My entry this time is some pictures of black and white Photos
Hi guys! How are you all today? I hope you are all doing well, wherever you are. It's been a long time since I've been here and shared photography content on my Hive blog. Well, today, I'm back with a new spirit and will share some of my latest photography works that might inspire you. I will share photos that I turned into black and white visuals. As we know, photography has many genres, and one of them is black and white photography or what is often called monochrome.
Hai, teman-teman! Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? Aku berharap kalian dalam keadaan baik-baik saja, di mana pun kalian berada. Sudah lama aku tidak hadir dan membagikan konten fotografi di blog Hive milikku. Nah, hari ini, aku kembali dengan semangat baru dan akan membagikan beberapa karya fotografi terbaru yang mungkin bisa menginspirasi kalian. Aku akan membagikan foto yang aku ubah menjadi visual hitam putih. Seperti yang kita tahu, fotografi memiliki banyak genre, dan salah satunya adalah fotografi hitam putih atau yang sering disebut dengan monokrom.
Although it looks simple, black and white photography can actually create a very deep impression. Every photographer has their own way of expressing art through the lens, and each work certainly has a unique character. Like the photo I shared this time, I used simple objects such as white paper and flashlight light to create something different.
Meskipun terlihat sederhana, fotografi hitam putih justru bisa menciptakan kesan yang sangat mendalam. Setiap fotografer memiliki caranya sendiri untuk mengekspresikan seni melalui lensa, dan setiap karya pasti memiliki karakter yang unik. Seperti foto yang aku bagikan kali ini, aku menggunakan objek sederhana seperti kertas putih dan cahaya senter untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang berbeda.
You may be wondering, why black and white? In my opinion, black and white photography can provide a more dramatic and abstract nuance. Even though the objects are just a few sheets of white paper, the results can be very amazing if captured with the right angle and lighting. I think this is something interesting and rarely done by many people. So, I tried to experiment to create unique photography artwork.
Mungkin kalian bertanya-tanya, mengapa harus hitam putih? Menurutku, fotografi hitam putih bisa memberikan nuansa yang lebih dramatis dan abstrak. Meskipun objeknya hanyalah beberapa lembar kertas putih, hasilnya bisa sangat menakjubkan jika ditangkap dengan sudut dan pencahayaan yang tepat. Aku pikir ini adalah sesuatu yang menarik dan jarang dilakukan oleh banyak orang. Makanya, aku mencoba bereksperimen untuk menciptakan karya seni fotografi yang unik.
Okay, here are some images that I think are interesting to share with you all. Hopefully, these works can inspire and motivate you when you run out of ideas to find objects in photography. Don't hesitate to try new things, because who knows, you might find the photography style you've been looking for. Hope you like it, and see you in the next content!
Baiklah, inilah beberapa gambar yang menurutku menarik untuk dibagikan kepada kalian semua. Semoga karya-karya ini bisa menginspirasi dan memotivasi kalian ketika kehilangan ide untuk mencari objek dalam fotografi. Jangan ragu untuk mencoba hal-hal baru, karena siapa tahu, kalian bisa menemukan gaya fotografi yang selama ini kalian cari. Semoga kalian menyukainya, dan sampai jumpa di konten berikutnya!
Wow.... It's so cool my friend, I really enjoyed your post, the result is cool😊
Thank you my friend
Hello friend,
@discovery-it why did you downvote my post? Do I look like I took someone's photo or did I generate AI? Previously, I have verified my account and it has been checked by @hivewatchers that this account is genuine. I do not steal other people's property. https://hive.blog/hive-186141/@hivewatchers/srkpbf I am just a content creator who always follows the rules and does not violate as stated by Hive.blog. And I have never asked to be given a gift on my post. I only write posts for everyone in the community. I have no problem with you. please understand that.
Does it look like I stole it? I can give you the metadata of the photo.
Hey guys.
That is my friend's account. I live in the same city as him. He doesn't have an account for his coin exchange. So, he uses my account. And also some of my other friends. And you can see that this account has a self-introduction post, you can read it yourself here https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@bnwphoto/introduction-my-first-time-in-hive-blog I'm not new here. So, I understand the rules here. If I make a mistake or break the rules, of course I will be reprimanded or warned by @hivewatchers
Dear @hivewatchers ..
I see @discovery-blog is very unprofessional in investigating problematic accounts. One-sided justification is often used to attack the community.
I see this is very detrimental to the community, @discovery-blog should verify first.
Just Like me; @dilimunanzar and @my451r are good friends and we live in the same town, even he often helps me when withdrawing my coins, is that a problem?
It seems to me that @discovery-blog is not competent in managing delegations. Your delegation @discovery-blog should be used to help the community, not attack individuals like you show force us!
Damn, I love salty tears.
That's my account memo.
The memo is still used by some of my friends here until now. Because I understand how to exchange coins into my country's virtual money. Is there anything wrong with using the memo?
What is your problems with us @discovery-blog? We have been here since 2017, and always in rules play with the community! Dont judge us and make a sense!