The Monomad Photographic Challenge #76 - Two tough women working in the process of separating palm fruit

in Black And White4 years ago


A few days ago, I went to a palm fruit processing plant in the hinterland where I live. Arriving at the place, I saw several workers working on the process of separating the palm fruit from the bunch. From a number of workers, there are two women who are also working on the process of separating the palm fruit. I was curious about the two women, I also asked them, why do they want to work hard like this, which should only be done by men. One of the women replied, "He is willing to work hard because he is able to meet the economic needs of his family and help his husband who lost his job due to the Covid-19 pandemic". Her husband, who worked as a factory worker, was terminated by the company because the factory had not been operating for a long time. Maybe this is a short story of the two great women. And here are some photos of them working.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku pergi ke tempat proses pengolahan buah sawit di daerah pedalaman di tempat saya tinggal. Tiba di tempat tersebut, aku melihat beberapa pekerja sedang bekerja melakukan proses pemisahan buah sawit dari tandannya. Dari sejumlah pekerja, ada dua wanita juga sedang bekerja melakukan proses pemisahan buah sawit tersebut. Aku penasaran dengan dua wanita tersebut, aku pun bertanya kepada mereka, kenapa mereka mau bekerja berat seperti ini, yang seharusnya pekerjaan ini, hanya di kerjakan oleh para pria. Salah dari perempuan itu menjawab "Dia rela bekerja berat karena untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarganya serta membantu suaminya yang kehilangan pekerjaan akibat pandemi Covid-19". Suaminya yang bekerja sebagai buruh pabrik di berhentikan oleh perusahaan karena pabrik tidak beroperasi selama ini. Mungkin inilah cerita singkat dari kedua perempuan hebat itu. Dan inilah beberapa foto saat mereka bekerja.






This is my entry for the #monomad challenge contest, hosted and curated by @monochromes.

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