Monomad: The Independent Spider

in Black And White3 months ago


Life needs planning and patience to reap the results, that is the principle of spiders who build webs with patience. This spider when I found him was not in a large web. It seems he was monitoring a new place to build a web. From the web the spider earns a living.

What the spider does is something independent, from building a web that is not easy to a web that is issued from its own capital. What I mean is that spiders are not like sparrows that build houses that need other materials such as grass, leaves, ma'am, after the materials are collected, the bird's house is built. So in building a spider's nest, it is very unique and independent. All the materials needed to build the web are taken out of its house. No need to scavenge grass and leaves. Isn't it cool!?











I'm going to put this (The Independent Spider) into a daily #monomad contest organized and curated by @monochromes

Thank You


Beretoh kali yo

Nyan ka jelas @asklanbudi 🤣🤣

Asklanbudi ipoto toko Lhok sambil ijak u kanto limengblah itakat

Hahaha... Nyan han ek takoh le bang @naisfreedom,cokop bratt talo teuh kali nyoe 🤣🤣

Sithon sige ibi jakeut😁


Tip malam bereutoh umpang, makajih Tinggai 5 neuk ate ivot

What an incredible way to capture that spider in your photos, although the spider web photo is also very good!

@naitreart I just try to aim as best as I can, it's great to get good comments from you. Thank you my friend