a crack opens up

in Black And White5 months ago


She has saved herself from being raped twice. She has been beaten by people close and not so close... physical violence, if you know what I mean...

Maybe she was in the wrong place?


She was also harassed, threatened and minimised by people whose ego swallows them alive. In some cases she fought back, in others left things to fall of their own weight.


The other day an old man, who couldn't even hold on to his soul, pushed me, in the street, while I was taking a photo. I thought about her. Maybe he was annoyed that I was there and he wanted to pass. I apologised to him after being pushed and offended.


She's not a victim, no. It's just life. It's just life, isn't it? Tell me if you think it's just life.

However, she never raised her hand to anyone first. And when she did throw a punch, in self-defence, it was against the wall and it hurt more. What she always did was dodge.


One day, as part of my former job, I got to interview and photograph abused women. I could barely hold back the tears.

What is she made of?


"I think I am made of shadows and sometimes a crack opens up to relieve me of light."


No, she has no hard feelings. She just needs to heal and accept and prioritise herself so she can do her best.

This is my entry for the #Monomad Challenge.

Marianao (51st Street) / Havana. Cuba.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Wow. Powerful.


Good morning!

Good evening!

great shots, specially the reflection in the puddle

One day, as part of my former job, I got to interview and photograph abused women. I could barely hold back the tears.

That is terrible, not a pleasant experience for them or for you

Thank you.

It is an uncomfortable and sad situation, above all. However, as the days went by and I saw it in perspective, I thought I had been doing something important: making people aware that abuse is very common behind closed doors.

yes, agreed
"no one knows what goes on behind closed doors"

I was left wondering about your question.... besides admiring how great your pictures are.... your question...I don't know if it's life. I think, from personal experience, everyone is in our life for a reason, to learn something, however small.

My father was psychologically abusive, he never laid a hand on me but he yelled at me terribly and he is a dark being... I think he was there for a reason. I learned things. But sometimes it's very difficult to know what to learn.

It seems we have to go through the doors that belong to us, all different for everyone, some harder than others, then raise awareness and then move on to another level. I sense that a lot has to do with helping a collective awakening without giving theoretical lessons, just living and being examples.

I hug you.

More or less in those words, that's life... that's how it is. Hug!

Here are some great portraits, I was very interested in this picture:

The combination is very good, very cool 👍

Yes, it's a very casual image that I liked when I was on that corner. Then I looked for a place to sit from where I could see it and captured other scenes. Thanks for mentioning it.

I see this combination of black and white and those classic cars, and it is as if it was another era but in reality it is the present. Greetings and very nice shots !

Maybe that's why I like black and white so much in Havana... who knows? 😉

Thank you for supporting me and I'm glad you like my photos.

¡Qué ojo tienes mujer! Tiene que dar mucho gusto ir a tu lado un día y ver cómo vas capturando escenas.

Me encantó la segunda foto, todas son tomas muy agradables a la vista, impactantes, pero la segunda se me quedó plasmada en la mente mientras te leía. Me parece muy duro trabajar con mujeres que hayan sufrido tanto.

Dicen que el clima, la educación, loa avances y la política cambian y transforman a la humanidad, pero hay constantes que siguen allí a pesar de todo. Constantes oscuras, en las que estamos allí todas detrás, maltratadas e infravaloradas por la misoginia.

Si tienes mucha paciencia y te comprometes a cuidarme para que no me empujen o me asalten... 😂 pues te invitaré un día. Claro, para eso se tienen que alinear muchos astros. 🔭

Las historias de estas mujeres son terribles y muchas mantienen vínculos con los abusadores porque carecen de independencia y solvencia económicas. No encuentran salida y además la mayoría de ellas viven amenazadas. El miedo las consume. Si dan el paso de denunciarlo, pues eso hay que tratarlo con mucho tacto para no afectarlas más. También puede haber hijos involucrados. Son muchos factores.

Supongo que esa situación, de manera general, en países tercermundistas se agrava.

Gracias Nina por la visita y por tus elogios. 🙂 (como me falta para llegar a donde me gustaría llegar en cuestiones fotográficas)

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