| MONOMAD | Fragility

in Black And White7 months ago (edited)

On the night of 27 January 2019, a tornado decided to take a stroll through some Havana neighbourhoods, leaving severe material damage in its brief journey, many were injured and even people lost their lives. It was Sunday. Nobody could believe that this was happening.

Cubans have experience with storms, hurricanes, and cyclones, but tornadoes walking happily through the city? No, this is not something we are used to.

Recently I was looking at these photos and thinking about how ephemeral everything around us is, how fragile we are, how life can turn upside down from one moment to the next and if we were not able to take care of treasuring moments every day, to value the beautiful things that happen to us... well, how sad.

Many times our lives become this when we allow it, a joyful walk of a tornado. This one no one invited, it came to warn us, perhaps.

For three days I went out with my camera to document it, as part of my job, but also in a group of friends who gathered food and everything we could to donate to those affected by this terrible meteorological event.

This is my entry for the #Monomad Challenge


These were the first photos before reaching the most affected areas.




Surviving that night I think was worth more than a dent in the car...



At that time I had a Nikon and a 70-200 mm lens. I could keep the distance, which in these cases is optimal.



Please... I think this photo is needed here. It is striking the colour after such a fateful night.



This shocked me... the concrete ceiling and walls simply flew off.



I remember that I took these photos from the roof of a hospital we visited to assess the damage.


I also remember feeling so sad in those days seeing the destruction and what people were going through... maybe I'm not qualified to work as a photojournalist in war zones. No, definitely not.


Not so much of a problem here... it was just me taking advantage of the altitude to get these views.


It was very strange, because you could see one block in ruins and the next one as if nothing had happened.


The water tanks of the Daughters of Galicia hospital in Diez de Octubre.



Back on the streets.

I had to be very careful because there could be live wires, i.e. with electricity.






I have hundreds of photos. It was difficult to choose these. I'm sure the best ones were left there.


A photo of the group of friends when we went out to help with donations.

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


I remember that night; the tornado passed very close to where we lived. It felt like when tanks are moving, and we had no idea what was happening.

The next morning, I returned to my unit (I was in service), and for two weeks, we had to work with ETECSA to restore communications in the area where the tornado had passed.

One image that never leaves my mind is that of the wall of the Ñico López Refinery, which fell like dominoes. As you say in the title, life is a constant fragility.

That was a terrible moment for a lot of people


The stories I heard were horrifying. People who were trapped in the street and ran while everything was falling down. People who had to hold on to furniture on a high floor as the wind blew them away. People who saw their concrete roof blown off and they too.... creepy.

And those are the stories that were told; imagine the ones we don't know. They were sad moments that I hope won't happen again. I don't think the city and its people can bear it.

Have a great Monday @nanixxx !

See you on Sunday? 🤔

Of course 👀

Ayyy... Gracias. ☕🙂 Tú también.

How terrible all this destruction, how life can take a turn from one second to the next, and it is difficult to escape from nature 😢

I hope they can get back on their feet and I send my best feathers in prayer to those affected 🙏

Bless you my dear friend ❤️

Buhito that was in 2019. Some have been able to get on with their lives, but the destruction continues...

Wow this is just tragic 😔hopefully there weren't any serious injury's

Five years have passed since that event. But life is always a challenge...

Yes it is definitely, even as a sailor

 7 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.


Gracias, Thank you. 😇

I remember those days as I remember the suffering of those families who lost everything. But also the help of the people arrived immediately. Your photos say it all. Excellent post daughter.❤️

Gracias Mamani. Fueron duros e inolvidables aquellos días. 😢

It must be terrible to be in the middle of that, while it's happening...

Terrible, amiga, los cuentos que escuché fueron espantosos.
El tornado siguió una trayectoria muy localizada. Fue un evento extrañísimo. Hay mucha información de eso en Internet.

Creo que recuerdo haber visto algo de esto en las noticias, ¡abrazo!

Wow, these are incredible photos. Beautiful, though tragic.

I love this one.

We've had a couple tornados in Portland, and a few more warnings since then. They aren't supposed to happen here, but they do, now, sometimes. Ours haven't killed anyone yet, but they did rip a roof off of one building. I am not looking forward to their next return.

They are very powerful. And I think they develop so fast that it is almost impossible to prepare for their arrival.
Thank you ;)

Yeah, I remember the last time we got the warning, I think everyone's text messages came through after it had already come and gone.

Things can change in the blink of an eye. Here one minute and gone the next.
I remember watching a tornado in Florida that was a couple of streets away from me. Thankfully it was not big and it did not follow me.
Life is fragile, people forget that, and still tamper with the planet.
Now Nani where is my BBQ and beer?

It's sad how inconsiderate and selfish we humans are... right. Always looking for advantage in the nature that provides us.

Well, for the moment it will be a virtual event of ours because I don't know how to get out of here, and you have no plans to come here. Hahahahaha...


A virtual event hehe I guess so! For the time being anyway

Many lifes had a big change that day! images are cool!!

Thank you. One of the hardest jobs I have ever done.

Puedo imaginarlo...realmente doloroso

Any natural disaster is no fun to be part of or see the damage it has left for others to recover from. Life is indeed precious and what happened that day must have been confusing because tornadoes aren't an occurrence that happens there, right. The days that follow include heart and compassion as people come together to help in any way they can. I have witnessed tornadoes and have seen there path of destruction more than I care to count. What you wrote and shared describes them well. It's sad to see them take lives and so many that have been through one are thankful to be alive. People can rebuild, get back on their feet but they can't bring back loved ones that have perished.

Yes, it is very sad, the most important thing is to preserve life. Material things come and go. Such a sudden, unthinkable event changed the lives of many.

Wow,the power of nature, you have captured it so well.

🙂... was left for history and as a reminder.

Thanks, @grindle.

😀 👍

I wonder how I can enjoy some magnificent photographs knowing that they are not a frame from a fictional movie. I guess the distance in time facilitates this fact.... This thought aside... I woke up today in a pensive mood.... Life is so fragile that we should not give it so much importance... You have to live it.

I think that in the publication you wanted to express this, but as today I woke up in my world, maybe it's only what I wanted to read...

A big hug @nanixxx

Last night there was a blue supermoon, did you see it? Or is it today?

La última vez que ocurrió este evento lunar fue en agosto de 2023, y las próximas superlunas azules están proyectadas para enero y marzo de 2037. Aproximadamente una cuarta parte de todas las lunas llenas son superlunas, mientras que solo un 3% de las lunas llenas son lunas azules.

Yo ayer me sentía "un poco rara" y cuando vi la luna pensé que estaba así por su influencia. 😄 Esta es la oportunidad de acudir a la Revista Vanidades. Aquí te dejo un artículo sobre la influencia de la luna en cada signo. 🤣


I don't know what to answer, I usually look at the moon at dawn, but today I found a rabbit and I didn't look at the sky 😂, I'll look tonight.


Great magazine, this Vanities magazine:

Como signo anfitrión de esta Super Luna, Acuario será un signo especialmente beneficiado. Potencia tu creatividad y originalidad.

😁 un conejito, qué chulo.

Hoy me fijé en la luna, aunque la foto no es buena, aquí te dejo un reflejo del cielo de Madrid, 7:00 am.


😍 Ese baño de luz de luna seguro te hizo bien

👋 síii. Buenas noches o días!

Tristes recuerdos. Creo que aunque pasen años no podremos olvidar ese evento, destrucción y sufrimiento para muchos.

The destruction generated by a rotnado.... is impressive. i was watching the images and i remembered that last december a tornado passed through the city where i lived in argentina, a very strong one, it didn't leave squares or trees standing.... it caused so much destruction that the city is unrecognisable.

The forces of nature are incredible!

yes, forces to give, to provide, to inspire, and also to destroy.
