#BlackAndWhite - Entrada para el #monomad challenge - Equilibrio [Esp/Eng]

in Black And White4 days ago


// Bienvenidos a un nuevo post para el #monomad challenge de @monochromes y la comunidad de #BlackAnWhite //

>_ Hola amigos y muchas gracias por visitar un post más de fotografía callejera.

Ahora nos encontramos en Mineral del Monte, otro de los pueblos mágicos del Corredor de la Montaña en el estado de Hidalgo, un antiguo pueblo minero que mantiene la mayoría de su arquitectura original intacta.

Espero que les guste esta pequeña galería.

// Welcome to a new post for the #monomad challenge by @monochromes and the #BlackAnWhite community //

>_ Hello friends and thank you very much for visiting another street photography post.

Now we are in Mineral del Monte, another of the magical towns of the Mountain Corridor in the state of Hidalgo, an old mining town that maintains most of its original architecture intact.

I hope you like this little gallery.




>_ Estos pueblos se mantienen principalmente del turismo de fines de semana y días festivos, pero no es raro encontrar visitantes entre semana que buscan lugares nuevos por explorar ó un lugar de escape de la ciudad.

Espero que les haya gustado esta pequeña galería, y si alguna foto les gustó en especial, déjenme su comentario abajo y cuéntenme cuál y por qué.

Un saludo a todos y excelente día.

>_These towns are mainly supported by weekend and holiday tourism, but it is not unusual to find visitors during the week looking for new places to explore or a place to escape from the city.

I hope you enjoyed this small gallery, and if you particularly liked any photo, leave me a comment below and tell me which one and why.

Greetings to everyone and have a great day.


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This type of town is one of my favorites to live in but also to go out and explore, they are almost always very attractive because they go between the old and the modern, a very interesting contrast. Greetings

A magic street stuff!!!... Bravo!

Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @jlinaresp from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our

Manually curated by the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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Curated by brumest

Lovely photographs @neuerto. Towns that preserve their original architecture always look beautiful. Greetings and nice day ☺️