#BlackAndWhite - Entrada para el #monomad challenge - Soledad / Loneliness [Esp/Eng]

in Black And Whitelast year


// Bienvenidos a un nuevo post para el #monomad challenge de @monochromes y la comunidad de #BlackAnWhite //

>_ Hola amigos y que bueno que puedan visitar un post más de fotografía en las calles. El día de hoy quisiera enfocarme en la soledad.

Hay veces en las que mientras me encuentro recorriendo algún lugar en busca de algo interesante para fotografiar me encuentro con personas que parecen estar solas.

¿Es mala la soledad? Yo créo que no. Yo mismo me considero una persona que prefiere la soledad. Cuando salgo a hacer foto prefiero ir sólo; cuando hago ejercício, siempre prefiero hacerlo sólo. De una u otra manera la soledad me da cierta calma para poder ordenar el caos que por momentos es mi cabeza.

// Welcome to a new post for the #monomad challenge by @monochromes and the #BlackAnWhite community //

>_ Hello friends and it's good that you can visit one more post on street photography. Today I would like to focus on loneliness.

Sometimes while I'm wandering somewhere looking for something interesting to photograph I come across people who seem to be alone.

Is loneliness bad? I do not think so. I consider myself a person who prefers solitude. When I go out to take a picture I prefer to go alone; when I exercise, I always prefer to do it alone. In one way or another, loneliness gives me a certain calm to be able to order the chaos that is my head at times.


>_ Claro que sé que al regresar a casa siempre hay alguien esperándome; mi esposa, mis hijos, la familia en general.

Quizá después de todo no soy tan solitario como me gusta pensar.

¿Que pasaría si realmente estuviera sólo?

>_ Of course I know that when I return home there is always someone waiting for me; my wife, my childrens, the family in general.

Maybe I'm not as lonely as I like to think after all.

What if I really were alone?



>_ Será que algún día mi familia ya no esté, mi esposa me deje, mis hijos se olviden de mí. ¿Qué sucedería conmigo? ¿Podría estar tranquilo con ese tipo de soledad?

Eso es todo por el momento amigos. Espero que esta pequeña selección de fotos les haya gustado y si alguna foto en especial llamó su atención díganme cuál y por que.

Un saludo a todos y que tengan un excelente día.

>_ It will be that one day my family is gone, my wife leaves me, my children forget about me. What would happen to me? Could I be calm with that kind of loneliness?

That's all for now folks. I hope you liked this small selection of photos and if any photo in particular caught your attention, tell me which one and why.

Greetings to all and have a great day.


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Solitude is indeed something that helps calm the mind and also can serve as a catalyst to help manage and turn out chaos into something productive or better.

I like my space and solitude so I don't think I'll have any problems being alone because I've enjoyed my company so much I won't feel a minute of loneliness.

Thanks for the comments.

Cheers from Mexico.

Las columnas en contraste entre la sombras y las partes más claras me encantó, y mucho más si es en blanco y negro. Saludos !


Gracias por comentar y un saludo! 👍

These are amazing photos you have shared in your publication.
The black-and-white style is one of the best modes to immortalize a moment in the place where you take your shot.

Thanks so much!

My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services.

I've just updated v4v.app and I'm getting ready for some exciting new features after the next hard fork.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #265 or consider unvoting the return vote.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I will also redraft this proposal with more details (coming soon). I'm also looking for other funding sources.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used v4v.app I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.

 last year  Reveal Comment
