#BlackAndWhite - Entrada para el #monomad challenge - Viaje exprés a Guanajuato [Esp / Eng]

in Black And White2 years ago


// Bienvenidos a un nuevo post para el #monomad challenge de @monochromes y la comunidad de #BlackAnWhite //

>_ Hola amigos y excelente fin de semana a todos.

El día de hoy viajamos a la ciudad de Guanajuato para perdernos aunque sea por una tarde en sus callejones.

Una ciudad lindísima a la que llegan personas de todo país para disfrutar del calor y de la arquitectura.

Espero que les guste esta primera selección de fotos.

// Welcome to a new post for the #monomad challenge by @monochromes and the #BlackAnWhite community //

>_ Hello friends and excellent weekend to all.

Today we travel to the city of Guanajuato to get lost even for an afternoon in its alleys.

A beautiful city where people from all over the country come to enjoy the warmth and the architecture.

I hope you like this first selection of photos.


>_ Eso es todo por el momento amigos. Si les gustó alguna foto en especial déjenme su comentario abajo y díganme cuál y por que.

Un saludo y excelente día.

>_ That's all for now folks. If you liked any photo in particular, leave me a comment below and tell me which one and why.

Greetings and an excellent day.


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The alley looks so clean. lovely shots my friend.
I tried to do street photography two days ago, but quickly return back home. Just get a few shots. hahah

Keep trying! Don't worry too much for what people around might think... must of the time they just don't care....

Even I keep getting nervous...

Thanks for the support and cheers from Mexico.

Thank you very much for the encouragement. Well at least I can rest assure that everyone is having the same feeling as I am, because I always overthinking of the reason I was not as confident as the other street photographer.

I like how you used the natural frames to compose. Do you like natural frames?

Well I tried to just focus on the people and dont think too much about framing to be honest.... 😅

Thanks for the support and cheers from Mexico.

Todas las fotos son hermosas!

Que bueno que te gustaran.

Gracias por el apoyo y un saludo desde México.

SaludosHermosas fotografias @neuerko, se ve que es un lindo pueblo.

Si, sin duda es una de las ciudades más lindas del país, más por el tipo de arquitectura.

Gracias por el apoyo y un saludo.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @ekavieka tipped @neuerko

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment