My entry for the #monomad challenge - COVID-19 Vaccine

in Black And White4 years ago

The picture below is a vaccination process carried out in one of the health service units, the increasing number of Covid-19 cases today has made the local government oblige all its citizens to get the Sinovac vaccine.

Take a look at some of the pictures below




Photo taken by Mi9 SE


kiban na keubeh bang? ilon vaksin phon keubeh dan demam. yang kedua berdebar2 dan naik asam lambung. sep brat perjuangan. 😀

Phon saket lam rung bg, kedua teungeut meu phêh², keu 3 dan keu 4 leh pakiban.

kapaloee bang eee. bek na le yang keu 3 dan keu 4. kaseb dua ge manteng.

Sedang persiapan 3 dan 4, kamoe singoh pertemuan via zoom tentang vaksinasi ke 3 dan 4

nyan yang ka gura