Підготовка до зими буває різною, наприклад ці люди на фото заготовляють дрова на зиму, щоб було тепло у будинку. Спочатку їх ріжуть пилою , потім рубають сокирою, а тоді складають під стіною , щоб вони висохли.
Preparation for winter is different, for example, these people in the photo prepare firewood for the winter to keep the house warm. First they are cut with a saw, then chopped with an ax, and then stacked under the wall of the house to dry.
Now checking it against my database of known compromised or unsafe domains.. you'll see another reply if it's in there. If not, it's likely safe to open.
For more information about risks involved in shortened URLs, read this article by Forbes.
{average of post/comments with Shortened links I found per hour: n/a}