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RE: RANDOM FRIDAY B&W - MONOMAD - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo St., Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (16 Pics)

in Black And White10 hours ago

Tenía pocas dudas sobre el parentesco entre ambos Efraínes, jeje, ¡el hijo es igualito a su padre! Me hiciste reír con tu historia molestando a las vacas y me recordaste a mi propia infancia en el pueblo de mi madre, viendo a las vacas pasar por la puerta de la casa de mi abuela y a mí mirándolas desde detrás de las ventanas. No las molestaba, no me iban a dar una cornada, jajaja.
Esas historias de tus fotografías son lo que me gusta descubrir, adivinar e imaginar. 😘

I had few doubts about the kinship between both Ephraims, hehe, the son is just like his father! You made me laugh with your story bothering the cows and you reminded me of my own childhood in my mother's village, watching the cows go through the door of my grandmother's house and me looking at them from behind the windows. I didn't bother them, they weren't going to give me a horn, hahaha.
Those stories of your photographs are what I like to discover, guess and imagine. 😘