Street artists again

in Black And White5 months ago

Street musicians. Quite a rewarding subject for a photo shoot. In summer we can see and hear them almost everywhere. When I looked at my older articles, I found that this summer I have photos of street musicians from Vienna, Bratislava, Přerov, Olomouc... Maybe I forgot some of them.
These musicians come from Brno.

The musical level of the musicians is undoubtedly different, but as far as I can judge, most of them are pretty good. After all, you can give them feedback from everyone and immediately. Either give them a few coins as a thank-you or just walk away.

Pouliční muzikanti. Docela vděčný námět pro focení. V létě je můžeme vidět a slyšet téměř všude. Když jsem se díval na moje starší články, zjistil jsem, že toto léto mám fotky pouličních muzikantů z Vídně, Bratislavy, Přerova, Olomouce... možná jsem na některé zapomněl.
Tihle muzikanti jsou z Brna.

Hudební úroveň muzikantů je bezesporu rozdílná, ale pokud můžu soudit, většinou jsou dost dobří. Ostatně, zpětnou vazbu jim může dát každý a hned. Buď jim dát pár drobných jako poděkování nebo prostě odejít pryč.

And of course, it's also a #monomad post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


Translated with (free version)


They are good musicians, I like anything that's doing to entertain people, creative 🥰🙏

If I were there, I would definitely feel happy by listening to the music of these musicians, but where I live there is no entertainment like this because where I live is still not an urban area. Basically, I felt very happy to be able to see the atmosphere of the days there, thank you for taking photography, my brother, and sharing.

Man can play anywhere, urban area is not a requirement 😃

Beautiful photographs. The theme is very interesting and, with the help of black and white, it conveys many emotions. I really enjoyed them. Thank you very much

I'm happy to have a satisfied audience.