In Costa Rica you can see up to 280 species of dragonflies, which can be found from sea level to 3000 meters of altitude, both on the Caribbean side and in the Pacific.
They have a great variety of shapes and colors, but all share among themselves their great ability to fly, being considered as nature's helicopters. Most are related to aquatic environments and are more active on sunny days and when the sky becomes cloudy the dragonflies tend to disappear.
They are excellent predators, feeding in general on other insects. Males are very territorial and vigorously defend it.
Versión en español
En Costa Rica se pueden observar hasta 280 especies de libélulas, las cuales se pueden hallar desde el nivel del mar hasta los 3000 metros de altitud, tanto en la vertiente del caribe como en el pacífico.
Poseen una gran variedad de formas y colores, pero todas comparten entre sí su gran habilidad para el vuelo, siendo consideradas como los helicópteros de la naturaleza. La mayoría están relacionadas con los ambientes acuáticos y son más activas en los días soleados y cuando el cielo se nubla las libélulas tienden a desaparecer.
Son excelentes depredadoras, alimentándose en general de otros insectos. Los machos son muy territoriales y lo defienden de manera enérgica.
nice shots. I specially like the last one!
These dragonflies are very gentle and beautiful, but they are predators. Not everything that shines is good.🙁
well... unless it's a plant, it's a predator
Hi, thanks for your comment. I wanted to add that the fact that it is a predator does not make it a bad thing, on the contrary, it plays an important role in the balance of nature. I understand the fact that we as humans are scared by predators, at some point we were prey and that is why this fear of predators, but if we remove that fear we can see them as the wonderful animals that they are.
Fear is a bad advisor, courage is preferable. There is always a balance in nature. Maybe the dragonfly is a useful predator
kamen raider black approves
Oops! They feed on other insects...
Nice macro photos dear