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RE: The revival of an old project and an ethical question

in Black And Whitelast year

These photos are great. I have always found dogs to be wonderful models to photograph. Their eyes are so expressive and deep! The first photos are perfect in black and white, but I agree with you, the last ones are best in colour. It brings out the beautiful bluish-black colour, like a panther, contrasting with the beautiful bright grass.
Adobe's tools have been AI-like for years, as we used the patch tool to correct or even invent part of an image, it was almost the same engineering as the actual AI tools.
In fact, before the general public was aware of the existence and use of AI, the industry was already using it and experimenting with it. How far exactly, I don't know 😄


Thank you very much! I love making portraits of dogs, way more than people. I probably understand them better :)

I don't know much about engineering but I sense that those tools, as handy and helpful they are, they could easily deviate from their purpose as tools and become something controversial. But maybe I am just oversuspicious!

Sure, a tool can always be used for another purpose, and that's nothing new... with a knife, you can cut up a carrot, but you can also kill someone :) (does this smiley here have a creepy side?)

Haha, no I love that smiley :)

You are right, tools will be tools and people will be people, doing whatever their primitive brain tells them to do!