Just Cazza... MONOMAD

in Black And White2 years ago

Hello... It's another return from me, hopefully I'll be a bit more consistent on this platform now.. As some of you may know, lifes been a bit shit and I've had a lot on my plate both mentally and time wise over the last six months..

But, I'm now moved and settled in my own home. My Mental health is a lot better and even the camera is seeing a bit of action at last!!

However... I'm now thinking more about what I'm shooting.. I don't have the time, money or interest to just go out shooting for shootings sake... Despite it being a (usually) decent day out socially, I'd rather just turn up and chat than take photos that are not floating my boat for either ideas or pushing myself.... (sounds a bit arsey I know... Sorry, not sorry.)

Anyway, I digress... Cazza.... A model that I've liked for a long time... Those Eye's I'm a sucker for big striking eyes... Cazza has them big time.

So, I have to thank @bbphotography for organising a little shoot at our regular haunt of Room3 Studio in Grimsby... I've been well out of the game, so needed these shoots and meet ups with people who I class as good friends... Mainly for me to meet people and get out of the hole I've been in.

Not having shot with Cazza that much previously. It was good to chuck a few ideas about and just have a play with being creative for a couple of hours.

I love's a bit of smoke I do, this shot was taken down the side of the studio, but one thing about smoke grenades is, they bloody stink.. and it smells everywhere out for a while afterwards!

Still.. Worth it

About me:
Big lad with 2 moons orbiting him.. Usually found sat in front of a laptop screen bloody editing. Takes photo's of People, Military aviation and sometimes products.

48 year old bloke - I have a penis.. Act's more like an immature 15 year old.. Cos I can.



Glad you're back pal. And with a bang.

got plenty of content to share... and thoughts.. and smut

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 2 years ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.