Monomad | Two very beautiful & enchanting mushroom species on a cocoa plantation this Sunday

in Black And White7 months ago


This is my entry for the #monomad challenge curated by @monochromes today.

Good evening everyone and I hope you have a nice day and are in good condition. Today I went back around the cocoa plantation and there I was as usual looking for mushrooms, and especially since it has been raining for the past few days there will definitely be some species of mushrooms that will thrive on the dead cocoa trees.

And when I arrived there, it turned out to be true and I found several species of Psathyrella hat mushrooms that looked very cute, and at that time I saw them growing abundantly on a pile of rotten trees and at that time I immediately approached them, and after that I immediately approached the macro lens towards these mushrooms and took several portraits of pictures that looked very beautiful and graceful.

Psathyrella is a large genus of about 400 species, and is similar to the genera Coprinellus, Coprinopsis, Coprinus and Panaeolus, usually with a thin cap and white or yellowish white hollow stem.....Wikipedia

From the shape of this mushroom's body which is small with a yellowish brownish hat and looks very beautiful because this mushroom has its own characteristics, and all my friends can see it below, some portraits of this small hat mushroom species that I took this Sunday.








Then I found another species of hairy fungus or better known by another name, namely Pezizaceae, and at that time I saw it growing well on a rotten tree trunk in a cup-like shape with fine hairs that looked very unique, and like that time I immediately took several angles of pictures that looked very beautiful and graceful, and you can see them below and I hope you like them.

The Pezizaceae (commonly referred to as cup fungi) are a family of fungi in the Ascomycota which produce mushrooms that tend to grow in the shape of a "cup".....Wikipedia




CameraSmartphone & Macro lens
LocationAceh, Indonesia

that second one looks very strange but beautiful

Thank you so much....