📷 Monomad Challenge - People Create Leaders

in Black And White • 4 years ago (edited)

📷 Monomad Challenge - People Create Leaders


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Dear hivers ,
This is first article in Black & White community. I believe there is no other place than this to look at the society without taking one side. Today I'm going to take your attention for the emerging of leaders from our society. Are we all a one family ? Are all black and white are same ? Are all Europeans , Africans , Asians are same ? Your answer can be Yes /No. But think again , if we all are same do we need leaders ? If we are one family , do we need leaders ?

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People create leaders , people protect leaders and people believe in leaders. But do leaders always protect people ? Do leaders love people ? Think again. They always divide people based on their color , raise , religion etc. They always create this conflict in the society and it will keep them leading always
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Thank you

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#monomad #leaders #life #chess #photography