River covered by fog

Hello everyone!

I took the photos in the morning from a hill above the Odra river, which, together with the valley, was covered with fog. I like views like this, when the trees create islands in the clouds.

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Witam wszystkich!

Zdjęcia wykonałem o poranku ze wzgórza nad rzeką, która razem z doliną została przykryta przez mgłę. Podobają mi się taki widoki, kiedy drzewa tworzą wyspy w chmurach.









This is my entry for the #monomad challenge

Thanks for your visit and any likes and comments.

Dzięki za wizytę oraz ewentualne polubienia i komentarze.

All photos are my own.
Camera: Pentax K5II
Lens: Pentax HD DA 16-85
Editing: Capture One

 last year  

It would be greatly appreciated if you could write a little bit more on your black and white posts, just like you do when posting in other communities.
There's any reason why you opted to include almost no text when posting in ours?Hello @rsphotos.

There is no specific reason. Only that for me black and white photos are more important than text. The text is just a small addition to them. In the case of color photos, sometimes the photo is just an addition to the text.
I will try to write more in the next posts :)

Your photo is very" beautiful, we loved photography 🥰

Thanks. I'm glad you liked my photos.