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RE: Monday Mishmash

in Black And White3 years ago

That first picture reminds me of my lad in the yard, he stacks stones and then tries to knock them down with a smaller rock. Maybe they couldn't find a suitable rock to throw... Or maybe they got tired.. or maybe after stacking the first lot they said fuck it and turned cannibal and the rest are graves.

Who knows, maybe I read too much into that first photo.

Otherwise the mountain looks awesome, here we got pesky hills in the way most of the time. So you have to climb said hill to get a picture like that.

As always, nice shot.


I recall the difficulty in finding a proper skipping stone, I imagine proper throwing rocks are equally scarce. Anything is possible I suppose...

Those pesky hills surround most of the mountains I've seen, I was quite glad for the photo opportunity these provided.
